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28 Jul


July 28, 2014 | By |

Combat Battery Anxiety

In today’s age, people dread dead or low batteries. When they see that red light on their mobile devices, they typically leave a venue, store or event to head elsewhere for power. By providing a cell phone charging kiosk, venues and businesses of any scale can increase retention rate, foot traffic, sales and customer satisfaction.

Delight Customers & Guests

Show your valued customers and guests that you really care by providing them with a universal cell phone charging station. Your business or organization can increase loyalty, foster word of mouth marketing and make your customers and guests really happy, so happy that you’ll be bound to gain more marketshare and mindshare.

Gain Advertising Space

Advertising space is valuable and often costly these days. With Veloxity’s cell phone charging stations, you get 19” of unique advertising space all to yourself. The LCD screen is ideal for displaying a promotion, sponsorship or branding your business. The LCD media is easily accessible through the charging station’s remote access.