Since mobile phones have become a staple of our everyday lives, the importance of phone charging has grown. As we use apps more and more our batteries continue to take the hit.

Think about the amount of times that you charge your phone every day. It’s usually at least twice and if you’re going out somewhere you become that weary person looking around for an outlet or in search of a phone charging kiosk.

Founded by Krassi & Lucky Popov, Veloxity has aimed to tackle this problem by providing phone charging stations and kiosks to businesses and events.

Here is some insight on the two founders, what challenges they’ve faced, and the new product they’re getting ready to launch in early 2016.

How did you come up with the idea to start a company that supplies phone charging kiosks?

krassi popov veloxityLow or dead battery anxiety was a personal problem and we needed a solution not only for ourselves but for everyone. After conducting months of primary market research, the answer that we came up with was phone charging kiosks with lockers, and that’s how we got our start. –Krassi Popov

What has been your favorite part about starting this company?

The best part about starting Veloxity is being able to delight clients on a daily basis. The clients that we have worked with have been amazed with our phone charging kiosks and it’s reassuring to us that we’re able to provide a product that people enjoy having. For us, there’s nothing more rewarding than pleasing a client who in turn becomes a lifelong stakeholder for our company. –Krassi Popov

What challenges have you faced running a company while still attending college?

Juggling schoolwork and Veloxity has been very tough, especially senior year when we were starting to see extraordinary growth – As I mentioned in a recent interview with Bloomberg Radio, there were many days I’d have to excuse myself from class to negotiate a big deal or national partnership. These challenges were overcome with a lot of focus and motivation. –Krassi Popov

What would you attribute Veloxity’s success to?

lucky popov veloxityOur management team is comprised primarily of millennials who are all very nimble, energetic, and open-minded. This has allowed us to quickly adapt to changing trends and needs in the marketspace while our competitors are left behind. –Lucky Popov

What’s been going on with Veloxity the last few months?

The past few months we have focused on increasing our brand awareness by attending industry trade shows such as BizBash, Droidcon NYC, Event Planner Expo, and New York Media Festival. As a result, we have seen exponential growth in parts of our business, such as event rentals. –Lucky Popov

Going forward, what would you like to see Veloxity accomplish?

Every day, we are working hard to offer our clients the best products and value – with that said, Veloxity will be launching a new phone charging kiosk in early 2016, something that we are all very excited about! –Krassi Popov

If you’re looking to see how the Veloxity Cell Phone Charging Kiosk works, check out our YouTube video below.

Have a business in mind that you think could benefit from our product? Leave us a comment below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.