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04 Aug


Twitter Now Helps Advertisers Reach Users During Live Events

August 4, 2015 | By |

Twitter has something new that helps advertisers reach users during live events.

It’s a play to get Twitter in front of a lot more eyeballs.  And that’s great news for advertisers. Twitter just released a new tool that now makes it easier to reach users during live events.

Twitter and live big events go together like peanut butter and jelly. People flock to the social media site to give their thoughts – and see others are saying – during major occasions like the Super Bowl, the Grammys, Mother’s Day, presidential elections or big breaking news stories. Previously, advertisers had to do all the work themselves, from manually choosing the right keywords to picking which handles and geographies to target. But now thanks to the little blue bird, marketers will really be able to spread their wings with a newer, easier process.

Everyone has an opinion and Twitter makes it incredibly easy to share yours in 140 characters or less. Using event targeting it makes it easy to have conversations with people interested in the same thing as you. It also helps business target people that might be interested in their product.

In a post to Twitter’s blog, Senior Product Manager, Dinkar Jain, explains, “With event targeting, you can activate around live moments, quickly and easily. We’ll help you discover and plan for these moments, learn more about the participating audiences through valuable insights, and with one click, create a campaign that delivers the right message to just the right users as the event unfolds.”

The event targeting tool is made up of three features. The first is a calendar that lists major global events in the U.S., UK, France, Brazil and Japan. The second part of the tool is event insights that gives a bird’s eye view of the information about each particular event based on the previous year’s data. The third feature is event activation. After choosing an event and deciding which segment of the audience the advertiser would like to target, they can create a campaign with one click.

MEC, a global agency, SocialCode, a technology and insights company and Mindshare UK have all taken part in the beta testing for this tool. Mindshare reported that for one of their clients the average engagement rate improved from 73 to 100%. The early bird really does get the worm.

Despite some recent hiccups, Twitter still takes center stage when people want to talk about large live events, so it makes sense for the company to highlight those events for advertisers.

To be able to tweet during live events, smartphones need to be charged. Veloxity cell phone charging stations offer safe and secure charging during live events.  These commercial cell phone charging kiosk with lockers are available to buy or rent.