For those unfamiliar with SXSW, it’s an unusual conference held in Austin, Texas. It combines music, film, tech and is currently the largest festival of its kind in the world. Celebrities that have attended the event include Barack Obama, Conan O’Brien, Mike Tyson, Elon Musk, Johnny Cash, Kanye West, and even Edward Snowden via live stream.

Veloxity has participated in the event in each of the last 2 years, providing phone charging stations to event attendees. It’s an event that we get excited for just like everyone else, and so we wanted to break down what new attendees should expect if this is your first SXSW.

Cool Technology to Expect at SXSW Interactive 2017:

Wireless Phone Charging
Think about of all of the devices you have to charge each day (sometimes multiple times a day)! Now think about being able to charge them seamlessly through wireless charging. Ossia is set out to do just that and more. This startup promises wireless charging technology for all aspects of your life, not just your phone.

Mixed Virtual Reality
Holojam offers technology for virtual reality and augmented reality headsets to enable groups of people to join together and share a mixed virtual reality experience. This technology has the potential to create new and exciting opportunities for location-based entertainment.

Phone Charging Locations
Next time your phone is about to die, you can find hundreds of locations to charge up at with the REWOP app (available on iOS and Android starting March 7th). The platform includes reviews and the charging locations are sustained through crowdsourcing information from users.

Phones have changed the way we do just about everything in our daily lives.  We are constantly connected and have access to anything we may ever need or want, literally at our fingertips.

While digital technology and mobile devices have changed the way we communicate, experience media, and conduct business, they have also revolutionized the way we shop.  One of the relationships that smartphones have impacted the most is that between retail outlets and their shoppers.

Online shopping and e-commerce, while convenient, sophisticated, and still fairly new, are playing catchup to traditional brick-and-mortar outlets.  According to, e-commerce sales exceeded $294 billion in 2015, which was a 14.6% increase; however, brick-and-mortar saw over $3.9 trillion in sales.  While these two sectors will continue to compete for consumer dollars, it is the same technology that led to the rise and growth of e-commerce that provides a genuine opportunity for physical retail locations.

75% of in-store shoppers use their phones to make purchasing decisions.  Their ability to find what they are looking for, compare prices, and shop for alternatives have a direct influence on where they will buy.  Not only are a vast majority of consumers leveraging mobile while shopping, 90% are using it to research and take other “pre-shopping” actions.  While these statistics present a huge opportunity for retailers when it comes optimizing their mobile platforms, there are some other important things that mobile shoppers offer.

These are all important and frankly fascinating statistics that illustrate how technology is changing everything from the way that people shop, to the way that stores sell.  It is also important to understand that mobile devices don’t only get people into stores, but they help keep them there longer, resulting in higher spending.  Now that we’ve discussed the content on the phone, let’s take a closer look at the phone itself and how, as a retail brand, you can enhance the customer’s mobile experience even more.

Battery performance on smart devices is notoriously lacking.  Based on the research above, the last thing that you need is to have a customer that can’t use their phone due to a dead or dying battery. This is where portable charging devices give you a chance to literally connect with your customers. Providing the option for shoppers to charge their devices while shopping is not only a great opportunity to create a great customer experience, it is also a great time to promote your brand.

Power Pax by Veloxity does exactly this. Simply provide a portable pack from the charging bay, select the appropriate cable from the bottom of the pack, and go about your business while your device charges before returning it to the charging bay. Custom branding on the packs and charging bays are an ideal and innovative way to promote your business. Veloxity has designed phone charging stations for major retailers like Calvin Klein and Michael Kors.

By now you’ve probably heard about wireless cell phone charging furniture and stations. It still sounds like a thing of the future, but it’s actually been in the works for years now. If you’re considering purchasing a phone with wireless charging technology or a wireless charging station, here’s what you should know first:

There are 2 Big Names in Wireless Technology

The first, and oldest, type of wireless technology is known as Qi. From phones and electric toothbrushes, to kitchen appliances and more, Qi lets you charge your compatible devices through what’s known as inductive charging. With inductive charging, you need a flat charging mat that your device will need to be in physical contact with in order to charge. You won’t need to plug your phone in, but you will need to plug the charging mat in.

Qi also has devices that use resonant charging. Resonant charging allows users to charge their phone from a close distance while not requiring that they be in direct contact with a charging mat. Qi also offers cases that make your devices compatible with both types of technology.

The second big name in wireless technology is the Airfuel Alliance. The Airfuel Alliance formed as a merger of the Alliance for Wireless Power and the Power Matters Alliance. Airfuel offers both resonant and inductive charging technology as well.

Resonant technology is much more user-friendly as it allows users more flexibility and room to move. With resonance charging, you can also charge multiple devices at once.

The Benefits of Wireless Charging

When it comes to charging your phone wirelessly, there are several benefits to consider:

It doesn’t get much simpler than setting your phone on a charging mat. With wireless charging, you no longer have to worry about finding your phone charger or tangled up cords, you just set it down and leave it.

Wireless charging batteries have a much longer shelf-life than disposable batteries. With more technology using rechargeable wireless batteries, there is less need for alkaline batteries, and therefore less of them to throw away each year.

Lots of our favorite places are starting to offer wireless charging, from Starbucks to Ikea. If you have a smartphone or device that is compatible with wireless charging, you’ll be able to charge you phone in a variety of places without needing to bring your backup charger along with you.

Wireless Charging Technology is Still Figuring Out the Kinks

While wireless charging is easy and convenient to use, it’s not perfect yet. Before converting to wireless charging, you may want to consider the downsides:

While you don’t have to worry about plugging your phone directly into a charger, the charging pads still need to be connected to electrical outlets at this time. If they could come up with a solar powered charging pad then this would be really cool because you would not need to plug it in anywhere.

Wireless charging is really still just in the early stages of development and it still has some work to do. Often, it can be slower to charge your devices wirelessly than with a traditional cable charger.

With traditional charging, you can still pick up your phone to send a text. While resonant charging does give users more flexibility, you still have to stay quite close to charge your phone. For those that use inductive charging, your mobile device will only charge when in direct contact with the charging pad which means using your phone is out of the question.

Even though wireless cell phone charging stations are not yet perfect, as we see more and more devices accept the technology, the better we expect it to come.

While many phone charging stations have similar functions and benefits, when it comes to your business you want to find the charging station that gives you the most bang for your buck.

From local cafes and boutiques to shopping malls and corporate events, charging stations are a great way to help bring in business and establish brand loyalty with customers.

When you begin shopping around for a phone charging station, you’ll want to make sure that you:

Depending on the size of your business, the type of station you choose will vary. For small, local businesses, a large and pricey charging station might not help you as much as hinder you. Veloxity offers small, portable charging stations that are perfect for spaces that might not offer a ton of leg room.

Small spaces can benefit by prominently placing a charging station at the end of the countertop where customers can plug their phone in without asking the barista or salesperson to keep an eye on it. This frees up your employees to serve customers without distractions, and it gives your customers an extra boost while they sip their latte and read the paper.

Businesses that have a lot of traffic, like bars and restaurants, might want to consider a larger locker charging station that can charge many phones at once. Locker charging kiosks are fantastic for restaurants because they let customers plug their phone in when they arrive and then enjoy a distraction-free, family dinner without worrying about the safety of their phone.

Locker charging kiosks are also great for bars where you can store both your phone and your keys. It helps keep those who might have had a few too many drinks from driving home, and it ensures their phone will be ready to call an Uber at the end of the night. If you own a bar, you might consider a locker station with a keypad, which will allow customers to access their phone without needing to close out their bar tab or wait until closing time to get their phone back.

Retail stores can also benefit from providing charging stations as they drive new customers into the store and encourage them to shop while they charge. In fact, one study showed that customers that charged their phone at an in-store charging station browsed twice as long and bought almost 29% more in merchandise. Of course, in stores the size of the space is a huge factor in your decision. Small boutiques will probably want to save space and provide a small, portable station, while shopping malls can strategically place locker charging kiosks throughout the vicinity.

When it comes to big events, phone charging stations are a must! Festivals, concerts, conferences, and trade shows are all usually held in larger spaces with lots of people in attendance. Venues will probably want to go the locker route and may even want to consider having several charging stations throughout the event space. Have one in the lobby for those just arriving, one near the restrooms, and another right next to the merchandise. Having charging stations at festivals, concerts, conferences and trade shows is important because many people want to take videos and pictures of the events taking place and with a dead phone there is no way to do that. These pictures and videos people take and share of your event will become unpaid advertisement.

For those that attend conventions and trade shows, providing customers with a portable charging station on top of your table is a great way to pique their interests and pull them in. While customers charge, you’ll have the opportunity to chat with them more about your products.

For certain locations, phone charging stations are more of a necessity than a simple convenience. Hospitals, physical therapy offices, airports, and universities can all benefit from providing charging stations that help patients, passengers, and parents stay in touch when they really need to. In hospital waiting rooms, locker charging stations allow family members to reach out to loved ones with important updates, while airport terminals can benefit from kiosks that help travelers update family and friends about their ETA. Since both places tend to be crowded and hectic, locker charging stations are the best choice to keep multiple phones charged at once. They allow customers to walk away from the station, clearing up room for more people to also charge their phones, rather than having everyone huddled around the closest outlet. It’s a great way to ease the stress of these places, as well as an excellent chance to advertise your products and services.

College students might not be known for calling their parents back right away, but they do tend to spend a lot of time on their phones. At most schools, students don’t have access to landlines or pay phones, which means cells phones are even more of a necessity on campus. Locker charging stations can be placed in the library, academic buildings, and even along walkways and campus green spaces to make sure students can always stay connected. For these stations, you can even have a student ID card reader that allows students to access their phone with one swipe.

There are a lot of phone charging station options out there, but once you consider your location, your customers, and the type of product you’re offering, the choice is much easier. Get started today and begin reaping all the benefits that mobile charging options can bring to your business.

When you’re always on the go, you know the importance of being able to work and play wherever you are. Most people already have their smartphones attached to their hip, but sometimes you need more to get the job done. The following phone accessories will help keep you connected, productive, and creative throughout the entire day, even when you can’t seem to stay in one place. charging stations allow people a secure place to charge their phones on the go.

For the designated driver

Whether you’re taking a long road trip or exploring a new city, smartphones offer a lot of benefits for drivers and passengers. However, driving with your head in your phone can be dangerous for you and everyone else on the road. Purchasing a car mount for your phone will help keep you and your phone safe and secure for the long trip ahead. You’ll be able to easily access your phone’s GPS in unfamiliar territory or switch the playlist to fit your mood with this Logitech car mount. Its universal design allows you to connect it to any car air vent for a simple installation. Attaching any phone is easy with the magnetic coupling setup that works for phones of all shapes and sizes.

For the world traveler

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last]If you suffer from a case of wanderlust, chances are your journeys probably take you to some stunning locations. Make sure you capture these adventures with accessories that will take your photos to the next level. There are a lot of clip-on camera lens options out there, but one of my favorites is the olloclip 4-in-1 for iPhones. It offers four different lens options. Create a curved perspective with the fisheye lens, capture vast landscapes with the wide-angle lens, or zoom in on wildlife with the two macro lenses for intense details. The olloclip is easy to hook up, and it is compatible with all your photo and video apps on iPhone.[/one_half_last]

For even more professional looking photos and videos, grab yourself a pocket spotlight. This great gadget literally fits in your pocket and can be plugged into the headphone jack of any device to create the best lighting for your next photo shoot. It has an internal battery so you don’t have to worry about draining your phone’s battery when you’re out and about, and it gives you three fun lighting settings to work with including strobe lighting for those late night dance parties.

For the entrepreneur

When you run your own business, you know how important it is to be able to accept payments from any and everywhere. For business professionals, a mainstay in the gadget world is the Square reader. Whether you’re attending a trade show and connecting with new clients or vending at a local craft fair, you can accept credit card payments from customers with this secure platform. It’s easy to use—simply plug it into your headphone jack and start swiping. It’s also small enough to slip into your shirt pocket, so you never need to turn customers away.

For the forgetful

[one_half]There are few things worse than locking yourself out. Never lose your keys (or your phone) again with the handy Cobra Tag. The 2-way Bluetooth connection allows you to hook both your phone and your keys up (or whatever other essential you don’t want to forget). When you walk too far away from one of the objects, both of them will start to ring, alerting you that you need to go back for your keys or phone. Use the tags to find your phone by simply pressing the tag button and listening for the audible alert. You can even get a map link sent to you that will show you exactly where you left your valuables behind.[/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last]

For the light packer

No one wants to forget their charger at home, but what if you could condense all of your must-have gadgets into one neat device? This portable wireless router from HooToo is perfect for staying connected wherever you go. It offers unlimited streaming for all the videos and music you could want, and it lets you create your own secure wifi network wherever you go. You can back up your photos, videos, and more to free up space on your phone and other devices for the next day. There’s even a built in power bank and USB ports that allow you to charge up to two devices at once, so you can leave your charger at home.

Custom branded charging stations are convenient and can help you grab people’s attention, as well as encourage more foot traffic to your business. With customization, they can also help customers recognize your brand and remember you even after they leave.

Be sure to remember these tips when you are customizing your own charging station:

How will it fit into my space?

The first step in customizing your phone charging station is selecting the perfect size. Most charging station companies offer several options from locker kiosks to convenient portable chargers that can be placed on a table or counter-top. Each station provides safe and secure charging for your customers.

For larger spaces, like a hotel lobby or convention center, you might want to consider a locker charging station. Their larger size makes them easy for customers to spot from a distance, and you can select the number of lockers to meet your needs.

For bars and cafes, a portable charger can conveniently sit on the counter-top, making it hard for customers to miss when they sit down at the bar. They’ll be able to easily access their phones while they charge without ever leaving their seats.

How will customers know it’s your phone charging station?

Once you pick a charging station, it’s time for the fun stuff. Help customers spot your charging station with ease by choosing colors that stand out when adding decals and a custom wrap to show off your brand name or logo.

Feel free to deck out the entire station, from the face-plate and backdrop, to the sides and even the battery packs. When it comes to your charging station, you can customize every piece of it to better broadcast your brand and make it stand out from the crowd.

What will customers see and hear?

Custom branded charging stations are an excellent way to advertise for your business and your sponsors. Locker charging stations feature 19” touch screens where you can showcase whatever you prefer. Give your customers more detailed information about other products or services you offer through a slideshow or video. Our charging stations have LCD blue lights that show when a station is open and red LCD light when there is a phone is plugged in. LCD lights attack many people because it stands out, allowing people to focus their attention on the advertisement the station is wrapped in as well.

For hotels, airports, and trains stations where a lot of people are coming and going, the screen is a great place to feature your sponsors or nearby businesses. If your hotel guests frequently ask the concierge about where to grab a bite to eat, you can feature restaurants you recommend in the area, with menus and photos to keep them salivating. If you have sponsors that are interested in advertising, you can give them some screen time as well.

The locker charging stations also come with built in speakers which allow you to incorporate audio into your advertising. Your audio can help explain or describe the product alongside the images on the screen, or you can play some music to set the mood. Keep things from getting dull by switching them up every once in a while! The screens can easily be changed by using remote access or by simply inserting a flash drive.

How will customers access their phones?

Locker charging stations can also be customized to allow customers a convenient way to access their individual compartment. More and more college campuses are installing phone charging stations to keep their students connected. By equipping your phone charging stations with student ID readers, students can charge their phones with the one thing they never leave the dorm without.

You can also select to have a physical keypad or a credit card reader. Credit card readers make charging your phone simple–just swipe and you’re in! With a physical keypad, customers will create their own personalized code to access their locker, giving them added security.

Next time you go to a restaurant or bar, just look around and count how many people you on their phone or tablet. Chances are you’ll see more than a few.

To the owners and managers of the local bar or the chain restaurant, this can be frustrating since it can distract from the experience of enjoying such an establishment. But, for the savvy manager, this phenomenon can be a great thing for business.

There are a few ways that you can improve your bar or restaurant’s business by investing in portable charging stations as a free amenity or a new revenue stream.

  1. An Add-On Ticket Item

When a customer orders a meal at your restaurant, there are a probably at least a couple of items they can add-on to the meal for a small up-charge. Maybe they want bacon added to that burger or they want a larger size drink. Why not add a phone charging service fee to your menu? It could be as low as a $1 and this strategy could quickly equal profit for your business and your service staff may even see increased tip income as a result of the added hospitality.

  1. A Courtesy During Extremely Busy Times

In the hospitality industry, things can get very busy and customers may have to wait some time before they can be seated. If your restaurant or bar’s guests must wait to be seated, then chances are they will pass time by using their phones. By offering a portable power pack on the house, you can help to keep a frustrated or inconvenienced patron calm and occupied while they wait for their table.

  1. An Advertising Tool

This is probably the best reason to invest in portable charging stations. With an unlimited range of custom branding options, you can provide customers with the convenience of charging their mobile device while simultaneously advertising your company and its current promotions.

If you are a business owner, ask us about a free trial on the Power Pax, a portable charging system that is ideal for bars, restaurants, and other venues.

Ask someone where they’re going on a Friday or Saturday night and you’ll probably hear the name of some local bar or trendy nightclub. When people go to these places, chances are they’ve got a cell phone in their pocket or purse and it’s more than likely that its battery will run out of energy way before they do.

Sure, the bar isn’t an ideal place to charge your phone but there’s plenty of reasons for that to change. Here’s a few reasons why your bar should have cell phone charging solutions.

  1. Customers Are Going to Ask Anyway

If you work as a bartender or server in a bar, then you probably already know this. How many times have you been asked by a customer if there’s an electrical outlet nearby? Maybe you tell them no and then they ask if there is one behind the bar. Chances are you hear this at least three or four times a night. It can even infuriate some servers, as evidenced here.

  1. Customers May Leave

It doesn’t take much for customers to leave a bar. The only criteria for their departure is that they have stopped enjoying themselves. A customer will buy one drink roughly every 20-30 minutes. If the customer leaves because their phone has run out of battery, then you lose out on making multiple more alcohol sales. If you have phone charging stations available, then the customer will stay for at least as long as their phone is charging. They may even buy another drink or two while they wait.

  1. Another Source of Revenue

Yes, you have phone charging stations available, but that doesn’t means they need to be a free courtesy. People are very much tied to their cell phones nowadays and are likely to pay for the convenience of charging their device without having the leave the venue. If you’re uncomfortable with the idea of charging money, then you can at least recommend that the customers tip for the service. If you’re also uncomfortable with soliciting tips, you could always make it into a fun game.

  1. Security & Liability

The main reason bartenders hate to charge the phones of their patrons is because they don’t want to hear the customer complain if the phone gets stolen or damaged. They have a point, a bar is no place to guarantee the safety of a phone or electronic device. But, with a phone charging kiosk with lockers, your bar patrons can relax when it comes to whether or not their phone is safe.

  1. Another Way to Promote Specials

Aside from being a convenient way to let customers charge their phones, you can easily use a self-service phone charging kiosk to promote drink specials or even upcoming events at your bar. This helps bar staff as well since the customer will be told about upcoming events when they go to charge their phone instead of the bartenders and server having to repeat it ad nauseum.

Commercial phone charging can have many benefits for both your business and your customers – here’s a list of 5 benefits you can take advantage of:

  1. Engage customers

Since charging stations and kiosks are an emerging technology and a growing trend, there’s a curiosity factor associated with them. People will stop to check them out. If the charging solution is in your booth at a trade show, or just in your store, it can be a perfect time for you to start up a conversation and give your pitch.

  1. Increase customer satisfaction

Because of the benefit they provide, charging stations are also a great way to increase customer satisfaction. Having a dead cell phone battery can be as frustrating as forgetting your wallet, so providing an instant solution will delight any customer. Byron Carlock, PwC’s U.S. real estate practice leader, said, “Consumers are seeking retail ‘experiences’ over simple purchase transactions, which is inspiring landlords and retailers to collaborate on making the destination more enjoyable, convenient and memorable.”

  1. Generate positive reviews for your business

About 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations from people they know. That means an extra star on Yelp can do wonders for your bottom line. If you go above and beyond for your customers and provide a unique amenity, then they’ll have more reasons to say great things about your business.

  1. Bridge the gap between in-store and online experiences

An estimated 75% of shoppers use their mobile devices in-store. According to the CEO of InReality, Gary Lee, “Traditional in-store marketing is still critically important to shoppers, but technology, especially mobile, is having an impact on the store – changing the shopper’s path to purchase and calling for brands and retailers to start rethinking in-store strategies.” While in your brick-and-mortar, customers research products, price shop, and sometimes even make purchases with their phones. Providing charging solutions will allow those customers to still use their phones to do research if their batteries happen to be running low.

  1. Show your business keeps up with trends

Charging kiosks are the most popular trade show addition, and a benefit desired by customers. Show prospects that your business is technologically savvy and always looking out for the “next big thing.” They’ll feel more comfortable knowing you strive to be innovative and do whatever is necessary to make their life easier.

If you want to make use of a phone charging kiosk or a portable charging station for your business, contact us about buying or renting one today.

You’ve decided to take advantage of a phone charging kiosk for your business or event, so make sure you’re getting the most out of it with these 6 branding tips.

Beyond providing a great customer convenience, charging kiosks can also make a statement about your business. According to DS Marketing Solutions, “It costs a whole lot more to bring in new customers with advertising than it does to increase sales with current customers. You have an incredible opportunity to increase sales with customers that are already in your store by using in-store signage effectively.”

Here’s the right way to do the custom branding:

Put the customer first

The main purpose of retail signage is to communicate with customers, so be sure to not lose sight of that goal. Keep the messaging clear and think like a customer to make sure everything on the charging kiosk is understandable.

Consider location

Is the charging kiosk in a prominent enough place to be seen? Besides that, make sure the message makes sense for the placement. Instructions for how to use the kiosk are probably helpful on the front. The sides could be useful for directing customers around the venue or event space. Take into account all angles.

Don’t be afraid of digital

Many kiosks come with display screens that are capable of providing digital signage. This could be valuable because then you might be able to deliver multiple different message with a slideshow of changing screens. Also, since the screens can be updated as needed, you can consider utilizing time sensitive messaging or changing them daily or weekly.

Keep things consistent

Your brand should have a developed look and feel that includes a logo, colors, and messaging tone at a minimum. Make sure that comes through when you design a wrapper for the charging kiosk. It’s important to make sure your business looks unique from competitors and recognizable to customers.

Focus on quality

A charging kiosk is a high-tech, premium benefit customers love. Branding it is a valuable tool as we’ve discussed, but it’s also important not to diminish the value of it. Make sure the sign is clear and there aren’t any typos. If you’re using a wrap for the kiosk, make sure it’s a high quality material that sticks without falling off. If you own the kiosk, it’s important to think about durability as well. The goal is for the kiosk to attract eyes for the right reasons.

Think outside the box

The first 5 tips have been focused on making your brand shine on the charging kiosk, but there might be times where it makes sense to showcase a sponsor as well. If you have a partner who is paying to provide the kiosk then it’s one less cost you have to worry about.

Veloxity offers three different charging solutions that each have unique branding opportunities for your business or event. Contact us today about purchasing or renting phone charging kiosks and portable charging stations.

As the demand for charging increases, retailer businesses and events can benefit in many ways by providing phone charging kiosks or stations for their customers to use.

1). Build Customer Loyalty

Think about the last time you visited a car dealership or doctor’s office. As you sat in the waiting room there were probably magazines, drinks, and some snacks. Well cell phone charging solutions are the modern equivalent and becoming an expected amenity since 84% of consumers use their phone while shopping in stores.

2). Boost Sales

Providing phone charging solutions and custom branding them, you can catch the eyes of customers passing by your storefront. It’s also a way to keep customers in your store longer. According to the same study in the link above, the average time a smartphone shopper uses their phone in store is 15 minutes.

3). Increase your tech cred

Charging kiosks and stations are a fast growing segment of the tech industry. Show customers that your business is keeping up with the current trends and offering cutting edge technology.

4). Keep everyone safe

A customer in need of an outlet will leave no corner of your store unturned. They can knock over displays, trip over other wires, or even find a faulty outlet. Providing them with a universal and safe way to charge up can help eliminate the liability and anxiety.

5). Gain a competitive advantage

More and more customers are starting to expect charging solutions as they currently do with WiFi. Get a head start on your competitors and offer something before they have the chance.

6). Increase your compatibility with mobile wallets

Another emerging trend is the rise or mobile wallets. Consumers no longer need to physically carry cash or cards with them since they can pay with Apple Pay or Samsung Pay among other services. If your business is one of the millions around the world that is compatible, then it’s a good idea to have charging stations nearby.

Buying or renting a phone charging solution is not easy as there are many options to consider. Here’s a short buyer’s guide to help you choose the right charging solution for your business or event.

Cell phone charging kiosks provide a much needed convenience, but are they actually safe?

As cell phone charging kiosks are becoming more and more popular it’s important to make sure you keep your phone secure and data safe if you happen to use one at an event or business.

While we can’t speak for every product out there, we will highlight some things to watch out for and give you tips for staying safe.

Necessary Precautions:

One thing you should beware of juice jacking. That’s a term used to describe the illegitimate access someone could gain to your phone while it’s plugged in. As with most popular smartphones – and this is true for Androids, iPhones, and even BlackBerrys – the charging cable and data cable are the same exact cord. So while you think your phone is plugged in to charge the battery, someone could be gaining access to steal your data. One easy way to protect against this happening is to set up a PIN or password to your phone that way it’s inaccessible to any pairing devices.

Another possible way to keep your phone safe is to turn it off before you charge it. A lot of phones don’t allow access to flash storage when they’re powered off, so that should keep your device more secure. This also has an additional benefit: your phone might charge faster since it’s not using any resources.

At DefCon hacker conference in Las Vegas, Brian Markus, president of Aires Security, set up a charging kiosk that would flash a warning message when someone plugged in their phone. The goal was to educate conference attendees to take precautions. One man plugged his phone in and said, “I don’t care, take my data, I need my phone charged to make a phone call!” This shows how desperate people are when their phone batteries get low, but it’s still important to not sacrifice safety.

Avoiding the Hassle:

Veloxity offers two different charging stations with

A man cave with a 110-inch Ultra HDTV is a challenge for keeping stadium fans in the stands at sporting events.

Thanks in part to new niceties, crowds at stadiums still go wild despite the continued growth of televised sports.

While scoring high TV ratings is a big money-maker for sporting events, in-person attendance remains crucial to the bottom line in the industry. Across the nation, stadiums are now equipped with swimming pools, massive jumbotron screens, lounges and Wi-Fi networks.

The stadium experience as we know it is transforming at a revolutionary rate. For example, you can still get that footlong hot dog, but high-quality food options are now a staple at every major sporting event. It seems like just yesterday that popcorn and soda were pretty much the only options.

The innovations certainly haven’t stopped, as the future holds many exciting possibilities. One that could prove to be particularly significant is the integration of smartphones into stadium tech. Ordering food and drinks from your seats – or checking bathroom lines before even standing up – is the kind of convenience-driven innovation that will sell tickets.

Another intriguing development is the paperless “loaded ticket” trend. The New York Jets offer pocket-sized smart cards that earn reward points each time they’re scanned at the gate. Much like credit card rewards, consumers can cash in their points for team merchandise, playoff tickets and more.

The perfect complement to these new amenities would be some cell phone charging stations. How convenient would it be to get some extra juice for your phone while waiting in the concession line? Having a sleek charging kiosk that is free to use and can be custom wrapped with any advertisement  your area wants may be the perfect eye catching way to attract business for your company. 

Shopping malls are shopping for shoppers. We all know that traditional shopping malls took a big hit after the economic crisis. Problems at commercial retailers such as Sears, J.C. Penny and Macy’s could signal even more trouble.

The good news is malls are trying to adapt. As online shopping grows bigger, competition is becoming fierce in the world of brick and mortar retail.

The South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa, CA, shows just how competitive the mall business can be. The shopping center is one of the most successful high-end malls in the U.S., and it offers all kinds of amenities to lure customers: There’s a VIP lounge for frequent shoppers, translators for 60 different languages and a meditation room. But the list doesn’t end there, malls have continued to adapt and get creative in the following ways:

Same day delivery: This time saving perk allows shoppers to have in store purchases delivered to nearly any destination within a certain radius the same day. Its become a must have because of the added ease and convenience.

Transportation Courtesies: Parking can be a huge hassle during peak shopping season. Customers having to make in- and- out purchases now have new options on even the busiest of shopping days. Some mall locations have added parking ambassadors to assist guests with parking and provide up to date knowledge on lot status. In addition several locations have partnered with Uber to provide free trips to participating malls. Uber stands are available inside the mall so there’s no waiting in the cold.

Cell Phone Charging Stations: Nothing can put a damper on your mood quite like a dead cell phone battery. Many malls have realized that true service includes more than providing just information, so some malls have introduced cell phone charging stations to help guests avoid the anxiety of a dead battery. There are many companies that have partnered with malls to offer commercial cell phone charging stations. This means customers can simply walk up to the station, enter a pin or swipe a card, then connect their phone inside a private locker. Cell phone charging kiosks are a perfect addition to a shopping mall because for the most part once you enter the mall to poke around you end up staying for longer than expected. I know I can go to the mall for one store and end up staying for over an hour. With a cell phone charing kiosk I can charge my phone while getting my errands done. Its truly a win-win.

Cell phone charging stations might a college near you.

The advantages of living in a mobile world are myriad and obvious: The connectivity, the on-the-go information, the location and navigation services…it’s a long list, and every app adds something new. However, there is one major downside: The problem of battery life.

The average smartphone user can get a day or two out of a mobile device, depending on its age and use – and sometimes devices quit at the worst of times. It’s particularly problematic for urban workers or university students, who may not be able to run out to their cars for a quick auto charge.

Some solutions have made the battery problem a bit more tolerable, like mobile charging packs or wireless charging pads. However, here at Veloxity we have a better plan in mind: A cell phone charging station that provides both convenience and security.

The number of mobile device charging stations are on the rise, especially in cities, but they often suffer from usability issues. You have to stay by the charging station to keep an eye on your phone, and it is not uncommon to be bombarded by inapplicable ads (and strangers) while you wait. Our Veloxity cell phone charging stations take a different approach, combining security and privacy so you don’t need to worry about leaving your devices alone to charge.

Meanwhile, our LCD screens can be used for campus and organization-related communication to share news or announce new events, in addition to targeted paid advertisements. It’s an ideal solution for college students that are always on the go and may not have time to slip back home and charge up their mobile devices. Because college students depend so much on their mobile devices for both communication and education, charging stations are particularly valuable in higher learning environments.

Using our station, students have access to up to six secure charging lockers where they can hook up their phones, tablets, MacBooks and other mobile devices for safe, quick charging. Each locker is protected via smart card technology or 4-digit passwords to prevent theft.

It’s an ideal way to charge devices between classes or during a class where the device isn’t necessary. Because users only need to stop by the charging stations to drop off and pick up their devices, the cycling information and ads on our LCD screens continue to have impact instead of just annoying users who have to wait there. It’s a simple solution that can be made to fit any college, no matter the style or size.

Our Veloxity cell phone charging stations are also available for other areas, including event venues, retail spaces, hospitals, and more. We offer stations for both purchase and rent, depending on your needs. Let us know how we can help. Contact us anytime.

Trade shows are booming, and a cell phone charging station is just the ticket to draw attendees to your booth.

There’s no better way to increase foot traffic at your trade show booth than to set up a charging station for mobile devices. Just think about it – you’ve got hundreds of attendees, and just a few spare outlets strewn across the conference room.

In this day and age, cell phone batteries often hold their charge for just a few hours. Adding a charging station to your booth not only draws in more people, it keeps them there longer as well. This gives you valuable time to network and interact with potential customers.

Why the emphasis on trade shows? Why now? The industry is booming, that’s why! Even as technology has made teleconferencing a routine, everyday occurrence, nothing is quite like actual face-to-face communication. The fact that the trade show industry is growing so quickly is a testament to that ideal.

Last quarter, the industry saw 1.8 percent growth – the 17th consecutive positive quarter. The reason is as simple as it gets: attendance has been trending steadily upward since the economy turned around in 2010/2011. In fact, attendance is outpacing both the growth of net square footage and the number of exhibitors.

Now is the time to take full advantage of trade shows to grow your business. Of course, the only way to have a successful trade show is to get people to visit – and linger at – your booth. One surefire way to guarantee a busy booth is adding a cell phone charging station.

If you want your company to be a major player in the booming trade show industry, the time is now. Go get a charging station of your own before your next event!

Want to increase traffic and improve networking? Here’s the top six reasons you need a charging station at your next trade show.

In your mind, picture the most recent conference you attended. How many people were actually interacting with each other, and how many had their faces stuck in a phone, tablet, or other mobile device? Probably more of the latter than the former, right?

One thing these people have in common is the need for juice to charge up these devices. If you have a mobile charging station, they’ll have another thing in common: They’ll all be hanging out at your booth. Take a look at the top six reasons to rent a mobile charging station for your next event:

  1. Increase Traffic – This one is pretty self-explanatory. Instead of fighting over the conference room’s few spare outlets, they’ll be making a mad dash for your booth.
  2. Keep People at Your Booth – No one charges their phone for 60 seconds and calls it good. As soon as they plug in, you’ve likely got them for at least 10 minutes, which allows you to…
  3. Engage More Attendees – Everyone is a potential customer at trade shows. Now you have them flocking to your booth like never before!
  4. Create a Relaxing “Lounge Area” – Want people to stick around even longer? Set up a few comfy chairs where attendees can kick back and relax. Add a coffee pot, a cooler of bottled water, and a bowl of granola bars. Provide a spot for people to rest their legs. Refuel your attendees and their mobile devices.
  5. Increase Visibility and Interactivity with LCD Touchscreen – Customize the station’s touchscreen with an interactive display. Use it to build buzz for your brand. Deliver your message in as many ways as possible!
  6. Provide Peace of Mind – No one wants to leave their phone unattended while it charges in a random outlet. Similarly, few people want to sit there waiting for it to charge, missing out on valuable networking opportunities. With secure, locking charging stations, attendees will be at ease, knowing that their safety is a priority to you.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and rent a charging station for your next conference or trade show!

Most popular industries and usage for Veloxity charging stations so far this year:

  1. Trade shows:

    Attendees tend to stay longer at events longer when tradeshow exhibitors or event planners offer cell phone charging stations.

  2. Universities:

    Students live in a hyperconnected world.  A charging station on campus offers a way for students to stay connected with one another and the university.

  3. Hospitals:

    A hospital visit can sometimes cause anxiety.  Many hospitals are curing dead battery anxiety by providing charging stations for visitors, patients and staff.

  4. Restaurants:

    Dining establishments of all sizes are serving up charging stations and seeing patrons stay longer and longer.

  5. Clubs & Bars:

    These venues are experiencing the ROI of vending electricity through charging stations. Patrons can enjoy the night instead of leaving early to go home to charge their phones.

6. Arenas 

Sporting events are often long and when your phone dies you may not be able to catch an Uber home or be able to Instagram,tweet and share Facebook status’ from the game. Having a charging station at an arena will keep your fans happy.

Cell Phone Charging Stations at Schools and Universities keep students connected.

Back to school time is here, and every student will have at least one cell phone or laptop. It’s how they do work, follow news & sports, communicate, and literally stay connected on and off campus. When a battery that powers a device dies, students get really bummed out. It’s called dead battery anxiety. YouTube even has tons of videos about the scary topic.

No battery in the world can stay charged all day. It’s a fact that no technological genius has solved yet.  But wait. Many smart colleges and universities have added cell phone charging stations on campus so students can juice up their (many) mobile devices throughout the day.  Many campuses have secure cell phone charging stations in libraries, student unions, outside popular spots or in dorms.  The stations just require electricity and their durability makes them versatile for nearly any location.

Fully charged mobile devices represent more than just a convenience — they also allow students to stay plugged in to their school/campus, and vice versa. Students can record long lectures, stay connected with parents, friends and classmates. Also, institutions have a way to reach students quickly in the event of an emergency – because of a charged device. In recent years Universities and colleges have amped up their online sector of traditional classes. Most professors post assignments online and you turn in assignments online to be more environmental. This is just another reason it is important to have charged devices so you don’t miss a due date!

Some schools charge students for the service, but most universities provide the service for free. It’s pretty clear that the demand for battery power will only grow as students — and everyone else — use more smartphones and other devices. In a recent study, 67 percent of college students say one of their biggest fears is having their technology stop working – 25 percent would choose a computer over a family member. Whether charging stations are the final stop, or whether they will soon be replaced by a better solution, remains to be seen.

Charging stations are available for rent or purchase. The stations can be custom wrapped to promote your school. They even have a display screen where the school could have a custom ad or display news. This spot could also be rented to corporations or clubs.

Giving students the technological comfort they need to stay on campus is bound to help students make the grade. Interested in buying or renting a cell phone charging station for your university or college? Contact today.

Through our previous blogs, we’ve established that staying connected in today’s world is of utmost importance. This is especially true for undergrads and young adults. Each generation of students is more tech-savvy than the last, and as such there is a growing need for fully charged and operational mobile devices on college campuses and academic institutions. The need for technology on college campuses is ever growing as many textbooks are now offered as online books. Along with classes that require internet access, you never want to show up with a device that is low on battery.

Of course, the best solution to staying connected in college would be for students to carry a handy mobile charger in their school bag at all times. But this is not a realistic expectation; inevitably, there will be those who will forget their chargers at home or in their dorms and those who will not even think about a charger until they need it. As an academic institution who takes interest in making it as easy as possible for its students to excel, investing in a charging station may not be a bad idea.

A universal phone charging station for Universities, colleges or schools:

  1. Free your students from the limitations of the current state of technology. This is especially applicable to schools with a commuter base.

  2. Provide a secure and safe charging experience. Students can use a credit card, school ID, or a four-digit passcode for locker access.

  3. Add new technology for a modern touch! It is also a great addition to show off prospective students at school tours.


Some ideal locations for charging stations on campus are cafeterias, libraries, gymnasiums, laboratories, outside classrooms and any other such activity centers where students remain for long periods of time or are too preoccupied in their activity to use their mobile devices. What’s more, these activities can be done more efficiently and effectively if students were as detached as possible from their mobiles.

The charging station is also very compelling to students who live off campus. Commuters usually spend their whole day in the library, the cafeteria or other activity centers when not in class. It would be a great inconvenience for them to have to choose between prematurely going home to charge their phones and spending the rest of the day without battery.

Moreover, the charging station would also serve as a peripheral attraction for parents and potential students on tours or visits, enhancing the technological impression of your campus.

So far this article has mostly been hypothetical. You might be wondering, wouldn’t the student have to stand and watch over his phone? I mean, some universities have theft issues within the student community and constantly having to check if your phone is still there is impractical and defeats the purpose altogether. Let me take this opportunity to highlight one of the distinguishing factors of Veloxity’s Charging Station – it’s security integrated! Each locker charges one cellphone at a time and can only be reopened by a credit card or the student ID that was used at the beginning of the transaction. An alternative option is the use of a keypad that employs four-digit passcodes to access the lockers.

You may also be asking yourself, what about pricing? It’s true, most college students live on small budgets that require them to save and control discretionary spending to pay off their student loans as soon as possible. . For this reason, we recommend free charging for colleges and universities. However, the university can ‘pass the cost on to the student’ and charge users however much it wants for the service per unit of time – for example: $1 for 30 mins, $2 for one hour, and $3 for two hours. We leave this completely up to you. By purchasing or leasing our charging station, the client has full discretion to set-up any combination of pricing options to its users.

Stay Connected. The Veloxity Team.

Nearly all Americans own cell phones or mobile devices but one of the main issues these consumers face is finding a charging source when away from home or an outlet. This is especially true in shopping centers, sports venues, and other events where recharging a cell phone is very inconvenient or nearly impossible.

Veloxity provides the commercial cell phone charging stations for this problem. Veloxity offers businesses a multiple device charging station that can handle several phones at once, allowing them to be securely recharged on the spot. This service is not only needed, it is appreciated by customers who otherwise would be out of having cell phone service often when they really need it.

What is Veloxity?

Veloxity installs, operates, and services commercial cell phone charging stations across the United States and Internationally. They offer three basic plans for purchasing their services.

Using the hosting option venues will not have to pay for this kiosk itself. Instead, customers who use the service would be charged $1 to $3 per use depending on location.There are some venues where revenue sharing may apply as well. The hosting option is only available to high foot traffic venues in the New England region.

Alternatively, one can lease the charging station for a facility, function, conference, or event on a daily or per month basis. The lease option would allow for your guests to have the charging service for free.

Lastly, the multiple device charging station can be purchased outright from Veloxity, including LCD customization, 24/7 remote access and support. Each unit comes with a 1 year product warranty and lifetime software warranty. The charging cords themselves have a 2 year warranty.

How can Commercial Cell Phone Charging Stations Help Your Business?

Basically, our cell phone charging stations can be of great service in places where customers need to have their cell phone batteries recharged. Such venues include the following;

All of these types of businesses and facilities benefit from having Veloxity charging stations present on their premises. However, short term events such as Trade Shows, Large Public Events, 5K Runs, Charity Balls and the like can also use Veloxity charging stations. Anywhere a large group of people will be gathering and in need of cell phone charging, Veloxity offers the perfect solution.

For businesses that obtain a Veloxity commercial phone charging kiosk, they provide a valuable service to potential customers that will be appreciated. This helps build the brand of the business through the 19” LCD touch-screen display where venue promotions and digital advertisements can be played.

This type of service, whether on their own property or at large public venues where the company has a presence can increase the reputation of the company which over time. This means good word of mouth advertising and a broader customer base for their business. Our charing stations can be custom wrapped to advertise for your company. This draws a lot of attention because of the LCD lights people are more likely to look over at the station and see what it is all about, giving your company more brand recognition.

If your business is looking to expand its customer base and retention rate, a Veloxity commercial cell phone charging station at your venue or event can provide a much needed public service while building customer goodwill and experience.

Content updated on May 12th, 2015